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Film Rezension

 Hallo? wie gehts?  I hope you all are well During this period of quarantine, surely many of you will feel bored just by staying at home. Doing the same activity every day makes the body tired both physically and mentally. Even when there is free time, we are confused about what to do.  So instead of being confused about what to do, I have a film recommendation for those of you who are interested in learning German and I will write a review about it. Nico's Weg is a German film about a Spanish man  who just arrived in Germany and lost his bag, including his passport, phone, and address. Lucki ly, there is someone "Lisa: who intends to help Nico find a way out. However, there was a little problem, unfortunately that Nico didn't understand German language. From there Nico began to learn about Germany. The acting of the cast of this film is amazing. I really recommend this film because the pronounce is perfect for those of you who are interested in mastering German. At first
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Suggestion And Offer Dialogue

Liania who already graduated college one years ago, meet her bestie when she is chillin in the city park. Fale     : Heyy Lian!! Liania  : (Huh?)... Omg heyy Fale!! Fale     : Nice to meet you. Liania  : Nice to meet you too. Fale     : Long time no see you since a few months ago. Liania  : Yeah, when we last watched cinema together, right? Fale     : Yeah... do you have time? we haven't talked together for a long time. Liania  : Yes, I'm free now xD. Fale     : Let's find a comfortable place before, Umm...., Do you have any idea? Liania  : How about that new cafe in the corner there , I have been want to try it for a long time. Fale     : Okay, let's go. Fale and Liania went on foot together to try a new cafe and finally arrived there. Liania  : Woah, inside the cafe it's very comfortable and more interesting than I thought. Fale     : xD, you find us a table and I'll take the menu book. Liania  : Okay... (2 Minute later) Fale     : Here the menu, would you lik

Allusion Task

Allusion In General : Allusion is a figure of speech, where objects or circumstances from unrelated contexts are called covertly or indirectly. It's up to the audience to make a direct connection is directly and explicitly stated by the author, It's usually called a reference. There are 4 types of Allusion : Literature Mythology Pop Culture Religion Allusion is also often used in songs to explain something indirectly with mentioning something that refer to the song's meaning. One of them is :            Wings - Macklemore This song about how people will spend ridiculous amounts of money just to fit in society. .... I wanna fly Can you take me far away Gimmie me a star to reach for Tell me what it takes And I'll go so high I'll go so high My feet won't touch the ground Stitch my wings And pull the strings I bought these dreams That all fall down .... This part is an allusion because Nike made everybody think that Nike could m

My Corona Virus Poster

(Group) Recount Teks

Lapindo Mud The Lapindo Mud was a burst of hot mud caused by drilling in purpose of making Banjar Paji-1 well by a corporation named Lapindo Brantas Inc. The disaster started on May 29th 2006, at Dusun Balongnongo, Kab. Sidoarjo in East Java, Indonesia. The Mud has been bursting until now. This disaster made almost three sub disttrict affected. Lapindo Brantas Inc. Is a corporation focusing in oil and gas drilling in Indonesia. Lapindo Brantas Inc. Stonk is owned 100% by PT. Energi Mega Persada. Now Lapindo has 50% participating interest Brantas Block.  Beside that, participating interest Brantas Block is owned by PT Medco E&P Brantas (One of MedcoEnergi Enterprise) by 32% and Santos 18%. Because of these stonk, Lapindo Brantas is working as operator. This burst of mud caused incredible impact to local society and economic activity at Jawa Timur. By May 2009, PT Lapindo has spent 6 trillion Rupiahs to replace the locals land and building a embankment to stop the spre

Fairy Tale Task

Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature who was ever seen. Her mother was excessively fond of her; and her grandmother doted on her still more. This good woman had a little red riding hood made for her. It suited the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood. One day her mother, having made some cakes, said to her, "Go, my dear, and see how your grandmother is doing, for I hear she has been very ill. Take her a cake, and this little pot of butter." Little Red Riding Hood set out immediately to go to her grandmother, who lived in another village. As she was going through the wood, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some woodcutters working nearby in the forest. He asked her where she was going. The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and talk to a wolf, said to him, "I am going to see my grandmoth

My New Year Holiday Activity

      The school ended and the holiday began, I got a vacation for more than 2 weeks to celebrate the new year. I just stayed in my city and had my holiday at there. On the first week I just stayed at my house and got sleep on my bed, On the Wednesday at the first week I got information that i had go to school to attended on school event Nagabonar Terharu, an event to celebrate the Heroes Day with the Teacher Day, there's showed some perfomed is committed by students to enliven the event. On the Friday at the first week too, i got called by school to input my KRS, after I did it, I went to Internet Cafe to played somegames on my steam library and spent more than 5 hours at there.      The second weeks, I often leave the house to go to Internet Cafe with my friends, We spent 7 hours to played game each other just to played Apex Legends, Rainbow Six Siege, Dead by Daylight, Warframe and Destiny 2. The thing that I remember the most is when we played Apex Legends and Dead by Da